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Writing Resume Skills With Examples

Learn how to write and format the Skills section of your resume. Make yours stand out to gain the attention of employers. These examples will get you started with using action verbs and keywords.

Examples of How to Write About Your Skills On Your Resume

writing resume skills with examples It's not always necessary to include a skills section in your resume. Most candidates find that as they apply for jobs, employers can more easily visualize their strengths after reading brief descriptions of their skills on their resumes. Writing about your skills on your resume makes it easier for the employer to find the information they are looking for in short order. If you are going to add this section, there are a few points to keep in mind when you are taking up prime real estate on your resume.

A Helpful Guide to Writing Resume Skills

You cannot simply slap a skills section onto your resume without prior thought. You need to assess the entire page and determine where that section will logically fit in with your other information. Before typing the section onto your page, prepare a few things first.
  • Evaluate your worth and the accomplishments you have accumulated and make a list of jobs and positions that you have worked. Record any expertise that you feel you may have gained from those experiences.
  • From the list of the "Top Job Skills Employers Like to See" below, take what you have gained from your repertoire and fit it into one of those categories.
  • Use a standard job skill as your heading and list with two or three bullets underneath of that skill, reasons why your job experience has earned you that skill. Incorporate the use of action verbs and keywords in your bullet points to emphasize your success.
  • Connect each one that you list to a general goal that is related to your field that you wish to accomplish.
  • Arrange all of your headings from most descriptive and important, to least impressive.
Top Job Skills Employers Like to See
There are endless combinations of job skills that you could potentially list. However, some stand out more than others to employers as being desirable. If you describe yourself as having one of these powerful skills in the workplace, and have the experience to support your reasoning, your resume could stand out to employers.
  • Technical
  • Software or Language Proficiency
  • Analytical
  • Team-Building
  • Customer Service
  • Communication
  • Astounding Work Ethic
Listing any of these skills on a resume with detailed personal information to relate to them will typically make a resume stand out as these skills are the most sought-after.

Skills Section Examples
Now that you have a working idea of what should be involved in this section, observe these examples to get a feel for how to adapt your personal work history to a general skill.
  1. Communication Skills
    • Conducted several meetings every week, addressing a crowd of fifty employees to inform them of daily changes of company activity.
    • Corresponded with twenty department heads to correlate each individual department's needs biweekly.
  2. Team-Building Skills
    • Implemented a weekly meeting system in which staff members congregate to educate one another about the various systems and equipment usage.
    • Participated in All Star Team, had fifty hours of training and received certificate in Team Management.
Writing resume skills from these examples can be an incredibly beneficial addition to your resume if you are aware of how to incorporate them correctly. Remember only to include what you feel will set you apart because every section on your resume is competing for space. This guide describes how you can get on the right track to appropriately write your no cost resume with an impressive skills section.
writing resume skills with examples