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Make Your Resume More Effective

Make your resume more effective by learning these tips and techniques to improve your resume and make it stand out from the rest in a competitive job market.

Make Your Resume More Effective

make your resume more effective Understand how and why resumes are used, and most importantly, how to make them effective in the process of self-marketing.

As you are preparing to begin a job search, the first item that must be addressed is the status of your portfolio. Naturally, you would want to start with your resume. However, these days it's not enough to hastily throw it together and apply for the position. This document is an advertisement for your career assets, and without making it effective, you may as well not even give it to a potential employer.

Make Your Resume More Effective - Tips and Techniques

  • Most Important Information First
    Of course, you want to grab the reader's attention as they quickly gloss over your qualifications. This may seem intuitive, but as people create them, they often forget to write smarter. Do not indiscriminately follow a template or guide as you build your resume! Tailor it, to your strengths and especially to your weaknesses.

    Sometimes after you complete all of your preliminary contact information, the process of resume writing becomes confusing. If you are asking yourself "What do I do next?" then stop and make a list of your skills and most impressive, job-related accomplishments.

    Regardless of what stage of your career you are currently in, there is always something that you can illuminate. If you are a recent graduate with minimal experience, focus on your course work or internships. If you are more advanced in your career, then obviously you would be able to focus on your vast experience and education.
  • Be Descriptive
    Will you simply list jobs or responsibilities that you had? Make sure that you describe any particularly complicated tasks or specialized training that you have acquired during your time working in the field.

    As you embellish your resume with fleshed-out descriptions, people will take notice and may wish to review your qualifications more thoroughly. These additional methods that you may employ can grab the reader's attention.
  • Keep Things Simple
    Instead of going with an edgy or flashy design for your resume, keep the design simple and clean. Sometimes the one that gets noticed most is the easiest one to read. Choose clean fonts, and make sure that there is plenty of white space throughout your page.
  • Use Quantitative Descriptors
    As you list and describe your accomplishments, make sure that you have physical data to back them up. Justify your qualifications with quantitative descriptions.

    For example, if you have worked in a restaurant as a host or server, do not explain your typical tasks and responsibilities, quantify them by stating on average how many customers you have catered to daily, or how many cases of wine you served in a week. Show the numbers.
  • Incorporate Action Verbs
    It is not enough to have proper grammar, correct sentence structure, and sophisticated language, these are expected. What can you do to "jazz up" your descriptions? Incorporate action verbs into your writing. Writing like this will not only improve the flow of your sentences but will make your accomplishments sound impressive.
  • Incorporate Keywords
    You can incorporate keywords into your writing to package your skills and training to appeal to the needs of the employer. We have a separate article about writing resume keywords that explains how to go about finding keywords and where to add them into your writing.
There are countless additions and methods that you may employ to make your resume appear to be more impressive and effective. The goal of writing this document is to gain the attention of employers, get interviews and eventually land yourself a job.

It is not enough to spell check and glance through what you wrote. You must go the extra mile to check that it is sophisticated and written for the correct audience. Use the Free Resume Creator to help you during this process, to make your resume more effective. Click the button to commence!
make your resume more effective